
第二部分 对症下药,逐一对付







最主要的,还是求神光照我们,让我们看清楚“ 隐蔽的自我”。



许多时侯,自我主义不单会损及别人,还会侵蚀我们的灵魂,使我们内心充满私欲,根本没有地方让主居住主严厉的斥责我们:“按名你是活的,其实是死的 ( 启3 : 1 )

如果我们信了主,却仍然被自我控制着,那我们只是过着虚假的基督徒生活,就像那些假冒为善的人一样当我们奉献给主的时,就要在一切事情上让主居首位。" 祂替众人死,是叫那些活着的人不再为自己活,乃为替他们死而复活的主活。"  (林后5: 15)


不知不觉,他们参加聚会,并不是为了敬拜神,而是为了自己得益处难怪使徒保罗对初期的教会要发出这样的叹息:“别人都求自己的事,并不求耶稣基督的事" (腓2 :21 )

一个“虔诚”的自我主义者对每件事情的看法,都是以能够得到多少益处来衡量的他唱诗、祷吿 相信神 过 “属灵”的生活,其实都是为了自己

当他需要神帮助的时侯,他才求告神 ; 但当他的祈求不蒙应允,不能得偿所愿的时侯,就对神傲慢无礼,怨声四起

这种人不配做耶稣的门徒,主说 :“凡不背着自己十字架跟从我的,也不能作我的门徒。"(路14:27)他们不能活出基督的样式,也不愿意牺牲自己,因此不能承受神的国,都要被拒于门外。

每个人都有自我主义的倾向,要脱离这罪,就要完全放下自己的意愿,作一个决定:究竟我希望保持自我,为满足自己的欲望而屈服? 还是憎恶这个“自我”,拒绝顺从它,不再让它继续滋长下去呢? 到底我是否愿意战胜这个“自我”? 


腓立比书二章很清楚的吿诉我们 :“各人不要单顾自己的事,也要顾别人的事你们当以基督耶稣的心为心,祂本有神的形像,不以自己与神同等为强夺的,反倒虚己,取了奴仆的形像,成为人的样式;既有人的样,就自己卑微,存心顺服,以致于死,且死在十字架上  ( 腓2: 4一 8 )




You Will Never Be the Same
Dr. Basilea Schlink

PART TWO: Individual Sins 


Egoists are the antithesis of what we were created to be. We were created and redeemed by the Lord who is eternal Love. Jesus has freed us so that we can love. And love always centres around the other person. Egoism is the opposite of love, because the egoist just centres around himself and is not at all sensitive to the other person and what he needs or desires. While love takes care of the other person and gives freely, the egoist is only concerned about whether his own ego is satisfied.

 He has to have his rights. His demands have to be satisfied, whether they have to do with health, comfort, free time, rights or respect. He only lives for his ego; he pampers it. And he is not interested in the trouble he causes others, the time and energy that he steals from them. Yes, and at times he even takes advantage of the people around him quite consciously, especially those who are beneath him, and uses them in such a way that their body, soul or spirit may be harmed.

The terrible part of this is that the egoist is living for himself and not for God, and also not for his neighbours whom God has given him. Instead of worshipping God, he is actually worshipping his own ego. It will be terrible when he awakes in eternity. He will be condemned by the sharp verdict: "Outside (outside of the city of God) are the idolaters" (Rev. 22: 15). 

An egoist, in his inconsiderate self-centredness, is in danger of stopping at nothing to satisfy his own demands, regardless of the damage he may cause his neighbours. Thus, in many different ways, he trespasses against the commandments of God and heaps judgement and misfortune upon himself. So we must learn to hate our egoism and conduct a serious battle of faith against it, in order to be redeemed.

Above all, it is necessary to recognize our camouflaged egoism in the light of God. We can camouflage our egoism, for instance, by loving our own family and taking care of them. Certainly this is actually a good thing. But if we are so interested in the rights and welfare of our family that we put others at a disadvantage, it is "family egoism". We are merely centring around an "extended ego". Another expression of this family egoism may be that parents, for the sake of more ambitious plans, try to hinder a child from following God's call to devote himself to full-time service in God's kingdom.

Egoism does not only make other people suffer and make us sin against them, it also damages our own soul. We feed it with everything that our ego desires so that there is no longer any room for divine life, for the indwelling of our Lord Jesus in our hearts. Then Jesus speaks these serious words to us; "You have the name of being alive, and you are dead" (Rev. 3: 1). If we believe in Jesus and still are ruled by egoism, we are leading an imaginary Christian life, and we belong to the hypocrites. When we gave our lives to Jesus, we gave Him first claim on our lives: "He died for all, that those who live might live no longer for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised" (2 Cor. 6: 2).

But how many Christians have simply held on to their egoism when they became Christians and let it thrive in the spiritual domain? This cancerous growth very quickly permeates all our new spiritual interests: the yearning for quiet prayer time, for greater knowledge, for fellowship with other Christians, for preaching and worship services, and so on. Without realizing it, we go to meetings only for our own edification, not to join others in giving God the glory. 

Even back in the days of the early Church the Apostle Paul had to lament, "They all look after their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 2: 21). The "pious" egoist judges everything according to how much he gets out of it. He sings, prays, believes and lives a "spiritual" life for his own sake, but in doing so he falls into great hypocrisy. He only needs the Lord when He can do something for him. That is why he is insolent to the Lord when the Lord does not answer his demands, but disappoints his egoistical expectations. 

The egoist is a misrepresentation of Jesus' disciples. This verse applies to him, "Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14: 27). Therefore, he cannot belong to His kingdom. He is lacking an important element of Jesus' life and the life of all true disciples: sacrifice. Only where there is sacrifice is there true love. And whoever practices the opposite of love in his life will be outside the kingdom of heaven, which is a kingdom for those who love. The egoist who spares his ego, avoids sacrifice and is thus guilty towards love will not belong to Jesus and His kingdom, either here or in eternity.

Because we are all egoistically inclined, we must clearly realize that we have to be freed from this egoism no matter what it costs. The way to this involves a definite surrender of the will. We have to make a decision. Do we want to continue to assert ourselves, and give in to our demands, longing for their fulfilment? Or do we want to hate this "idol", our ego, and cease giving it anything to nourish it? Do we want to do everything to help put it to death? If we say to Jesus, "I want to be Your disciple; I want to go the way of sacrifice with You", the first step has been taken. For Jesus can only free us from our bondage to sin, if we consciously surrender ourselves to God.

This way of dedication is clearly outlined in the Letter to the Philippians; "Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others". Then Jesus' way of sacrifice is depicted: "Have this mind among yourselves, which you have in Christ Jesus, who . . . emptied himself . . . " (Phil. 2: 4 ff). The more we can picture our Lord Jesus and the way He went and are amazed by His love which emptied itself for us, the more we will be able to hate our ego and our egoism. Then thanks and love for Him will urge us to claim His redemption and fight the battle of faith against this sin of egoism. That means that we have to praise the power of the blood over all the demands of our ego whenever they arise in us.

But it also means that every time an egoistic act overtakes us, we should really be compelled to repent. Every time we have sided with our ego and have tried to hold on to this or that, we should let go and in addition sacrifice as much as possible. In answer to our prayers for deliverance from our egoism God will demand many painful sacrifices, and then we must say, Yes. And we should devote ourselves especially to those whom we have harmed through our egoism and thoughtlessness. Then Jesus will prove who He is and what He can do. He can turn an egoist into a loving, self-sacrificial soul, to the glory of His name.