第二部分 对症下药,逐一对付
一家人如果相敬如宾,家里自然安宁和睦,其乐融融。可是,假如大家同室操戈,互相顶撞记恨,就不啻是人间地狱了。今天,互相对立和心怀怨恨已成了普遍不过的罪,在虔诚的基督徒中间,这罪尤其明显! 耶稣在登山宝训教训我们:“怀恨弟兄的人,会受到严厉的惩罚。”(太5 : 23一26 )我们不惜任何代价,也要与弟兄和解,否则会被丢在地狱里,在那里哀哭切齿。在罗马书一章二十九和三十二节,保罗提到那些犯了各样不义的人是当死的; 又在提摩太后书三章二节说,神的烈怒必临到不解怨的人。 基督徒如果不肯与弟兄和好,也一定逃不过神的审判。主的话言出必行,祂说一是一,说二是二,绝不会姑息我们。可是我们往往不肯相信这点,总以为耶稣是仁慈的,祂知道要原谅那些得罪我们、伤害我们,或是使我们身败名裂的人是顶不容易的呀! 祂会体谅我们的,祂体恤我们的软弱嘛! 不错,没有人像耶稣那样了解我们,祂满有怜悯,深知我们所犯的罪和我们的软弱,但对那些不肯和解,心存忿恨的人,祂必会严惩他们。 耶稣是至高的大祭司,祂赦免了我们滔天的过犯,我们竟不肯像祂那样饶恕别人,又怎能说得通呢? 如果主饶恕我们一千次,我们却不肯饶恕人一次,难怪主要向我们发怒,收回祂的宽恕,定我们的罪,把我们丢进地狱了(太18:34)。 互相对立,心怀怨恨不单会令我们和弟兄姊妹有阻隔,更会在我们和神之间竖起樊笼,叫神掩耳不听我们的祈求,因为被我们怀恨的人,他们伸冤的声音会达到神耳中。 因此,让“和睦”成为我们每个人的座右铭,平息对人的忿恨,与他们和好如初。否则,我们必要受到神的审判和刑罚,与其他不肯和解的人一同住在黑暗里。 究竟怎样才能除去愤恨和怨毒的思想呢? 求神光照我们,让我们看到我们指责别人的地方,也正是我们该受指责的地方; 别人怎样令我们失望,我们不也同样令他们失望吗? 当我们看到这点,并愿意承认自己的过失,我们就不会再指责人,心中的愤恨也会逐渐消除。 如我们仍旧对人不满,跟人过不去,或是知道有人对我们心存芥蒂,我们就要找机会跟他修好。他接纳不接纳是他的事,要紧的是我们愿意谦卑下来,并且爱我们的仇敌,因为爱能化解一切的仇恨,使人冰释前嫌,和好如初。 我们要把握每一个与人和好的机会,因为那可能就是最后一次的机会。如果我们失诸交臂,或是故意放过,魔鬼就会乘虚而入,把我们控制在牠的掌握之下。因此我们心中一起了怨恨的念头,就要立刻斥责这罪,奋起抗拒这罪,不惜战至流血的地步。 基督既已破坏了魔鬼的作为,并差遣圣灵到来,要把神的慈爱怜悯浇灌在我们心里。只要我们凭信心祈求,不断求告主得胜的名字,我们就必得主宝血的洁净,从众罪恶的捆绑中释放出来。
You Will Never Be the Same PART TWO: Individual Sins Irreconciliation: Bitterness When people live together in reconciliation, there is peace and joy, a bit of paradise. But in a house where people have bitter thoughts in their hearts about each other, where they quarrel and do not forgive, there is a bit of hell. We know how seldom we find homes that are like a bit of paradise. For irreconciliation and bitterness are widespread sins especially among the pious. Yet when we look at the Sermon on the Mount, this fact is completely incomprehensible. Jesus said that there would be severe punishment for those who have anything in their hearts against their brothers. He exhorts us to reconcile ourselves with our brothers at all costs, because otherwise there would be terrible consequences (Matt. 5: 23-26). The Lord says they will be put in "prison". Expressed in other words, they will come into the kingdom of darkness where men will weep and gnash their teeth. And the Apostle Paul writes in Rom. 1: 29, 32 that those who are full of strife deserve to die. In another place the implacable are listed among other objectionable types of men who will come under the wrath of God (2 Tim. 3: 3). Christians, who actually should not come under judgment, are threatened by judgment and punishment, yes even hell, if they refuse to be reconciled. But does anyone believe this? Does anyone hate this sin and want to break away from it? Does anyone believe the words that Jesus spoke? They are true and He will act according to them. We usually do not believe them, because we say that Jesus is merciful. Perhaps we argue like this: Jesus knows our hearts; He knows how difficult it is for us to forgive someone who has hurt our feelings or wronged us unjustly or has said something about us that would ruin our reputation or hurt our family. We imagine that Jesus understands that we cannot deal with such a bitter root in our hearts. We think He understands us when we wake up at night and keep seeing these people before our eyes, and we begin to hurl one accusation after another at them. Yes, there is probably no one who knows and understands us as well as Jesus does. He knows our sins and bondages; He calls Himself the merciful High Priest. Still He pronounces a sharp verdict over people who do not live in reconciliation, who are filled with bitterness and accusations. He does this precisely because He is our merciful High Priest, who has forgiven all our sins. Because we have received so much mercy through Him, His anger is aroused when we are not merciful to others. We can no longer dodge the issue. This fact is unmistakable in the story of the unmerciful servant. If the Lord forgives us our sins a thousand times, it is a matter of course that He will take back His forgiveness and hold us accountable again for all our sins, if we do not forgive others. Yes, His anger will judge us and throw us into the place of torment (Matt. 18: 34). Bitterness and irreconciliation are sins which cry to heaven, since the voices of those whom we do not want to forgive reach God's heart and accuse us. God's answer will strike us like lightning: "Bind this servant who dares to be unforgiving when I have forgiven him." Who will bind him? The fallen angels who will take him and throw him into prison, into outer darkness, as Jesus describes it in another text (Matt. 22: 13). Bitterness and irreconciliation arouse the greatest wrath of the Lamb of God. Jesus has promised us forgiveness through His blood sacrifice, although He could have accused us for our sin and everything we have done to Him. Irreconciliation and bitterness close the heart of God to all our pleas. Irreconciliation and all our accusations against our brothers do not only set up a barrier against our brother, but also a barrier against God. So the motto for our life must be to live in reconciliation and bury our accusations. Otherwise we will be accused and condemned and have to live with the irreconciled in the kingdom of darkness. How can we get rid of our bitter, accusing thoughts and reactions? By letting the light of God fall upon us and show us that we accuse others of the very things for which we ought to accuse ourselves. It will show us that we have disappointed others in the same areas they disappoint us. We have made life difficult for them also. And so we will lose our desire to accuse our brother and persist in bitterness, a sin which binds us to Satan, the accuser. We cannot rest until the Lord gives us a repentant heart about this sin of bitterness. Through repentance our accusations melt away, irreconciliation and bitterness are dissolved and we begin to see, where formerly we were blind. If we have something in our heart against another, or we know that someone has something against us, and we are not living in reconciliation, let us speak with him, if it is possible. Whether he accepts our outstretched hand is his business. The important point is that we have a humble heart and genuine love for our opponent. In this love there is great power to change others and establish a relationship of reconciliation. Tomorrow it may be too late to be reconciled with a neighbour who may have hurt us. If we have intentionally passed by the chance for reconciliation, the accuser will take us into his kingdom. Whenever we have bitter, accusing thoughts, we live in unison with him. Immediate action is necessary if we are living in irreconciliation. We must renounce our accusing thoughts at once and fight a battle of faith against them to the point of shedding blood. But Jesus has come to destroy the works of the devil in our soul: bitterness, accusations, irreconciliation. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit, who wants to pour out the merciful love of God into our hearts. Whoever believes this will experience it, if he endures in faith, that is, if he does not grow weary of calling upon the victorious name of Jesus daily for the sake of His redeeming blood. As surely as God is Yea and Amen, we will truly be freed, according to Jesus' promise that He will free us from the power of sin.