
第二部分 对症下药,逐一对付


忙! 顶有意思的,不是吗? 因为忙代表了精力充沛和勤奋,最低限度,忙忙碌碌可以增加我们的成就感。


其实,每件事都在乎我们是否有主的同在,耶稣说:“常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子。” (约15 : 5 )只有在主里作的事才有永恒的价值,才会结出美好的果实,永远也不会朽坏。




谁不希望事业有成,得到别人的称许和羡慕的眼光呢? 其实埋头苦干也可能是一种逃避,我们的生活一团糟,于是就只好藉着工作来麻木自己的良知。





这时我们就必须安静下来,不可让自己再忙下去,因为这样子的“忙得不可开交”已变成一种罪,会带给我们最严厉的刑罚,正如耶稣给我们的教训:“人若不常在我里面,就像枝子丢在外面枯干,人拾起来,扔在火里烧了。” (约15 : 6 )


究竟怎么才能与神契合,“常在祂里面”呢? 这需要不断的操练,时时刻刻求告主的名。我们工作的时候,要对主说:“主啊,这是为祢、为祢而作的! ”

晚上休息之前,我们也要问自己:“今天我有没有与主同行? ”并且求圣灵鉴察洁净我们,好让我们第二天能够继续与主同行。














You Will Never Be the Same

Dr. Basilea Schlink

PART TWO: Individual Sins 


Busyness! Do we sometimes imagine that this is something good? That energy and industriousness stand behind it? Or at least that it is necessary so that we can achieve something? No. Busyness separates us from Jesus. It is a sin and has a negative effect upon my life of faith.

Everything depends upon whether or not I am at one with Jesus. Jesus says, "He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit" (John 15: 5). Only what we do in union with Jesus, who is "Life", will have divine life and never perish. Only that will we be able to find as fruit in eternity. 

But we know that Satan makes every effort to rob us of this eternal fruit. He wants to hinder us, at any cost, from spending the day united with our Lord Jesus, because he knows that this oneness with Jesus makes us strong. Then we are at one with the Lord of heaven and earth, who has power over every name that is named. His power is then ours and provides blessing for our work. On the other hand, if we poor sinners are separated from Jesus, we can only do worthless things, that will blow away like chaff, no matter how good they may look at first.

That is why Satan tries every possible trick to make our work completely captivate us and thus separate us from Jesus. Work can chain us, because it interests us too much, because it satisfies our human desires and because we find our fulfilment in it. Work can incite our ambition. We want to attain many things and receive success and recognition. Some just love to work. They like to see what they can do. Or work can become an escape, a way to deaden our consciences, because we have not kept our lives straightened out. During such periods our prayer-times become quite unbearable. Some people who have a great deal to do fall into the mad rush. They are wound up and therefore cannot pray while they work.

So Satan comes at us from various directions and tries to drive us into busyness, into a life without Jesus, for Satan is the malicious spirit of unrest. Jesus, however, is the Prince of peace. Whoever does His work with Him is in peace and does not rush. Then our industrious work is not a mad rush. We are not enslaved to work and driven by it, but we work together with God, drawing our strength from our times of quiet. It is full of divine life, zeal and joy.

But even though we know that we are only unhappy when we are separated from Jesus, there are usually chains binding us to our work. Again and again we have to lament that we lose our communion with Jesus during the course of the day. Indeed, when we are engaged in our various tasks, we tend to forget Him for hours. But this busyness in our work can no longer be tolerated in our lives. It is not simply harmless "rushing" or "losing oneself in the work", rather it is a sin which will bring us the most severe punishment.

Who has ever applied Jesus' words seriously to his own busyness? "If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned" (John 15: 6). "Cast forth" is the fate of the busy. They will be cast forth from the countenance of Jesus and His kingdom, because they did not work for God in personal love for Him and in His sight. Not only will his works be burned, but also he himself. So we must be redeemed from busyness, no matter what the cost.

But how do we get there? "Abiding in Him", doing everything together with Jesus, is a matter of practice. We should practise saying the name JESUS over and over again in our heart. While we are working, we should practise saying, "For You! For You!" Before going to sleep, let us ask ourselves whether we were with Jesus during the day. Let us ask the Spirit of God to admonish us the next day to think about Jesus. During our morning prayer before work let us lay this request before Him again. And if we suffer especially under the sin of busyness, we should let Him show us how we can be reminded at work to speak a prayer every hour.

We must not stop beseeching the Lord for this "abiding in Christ", even if we experience many defeats. Every time we have lost the inner contact with Him at work, we should try to tie the bond anew, though it may be a hundred times a day. The fruit of our work for all eternity depends upon this. We must set for ourselves a definite goal of faith. And let us ask Jesus every day:

Let me be immersed in You, deeper and deeper, until I can no longer lose You. Set me free through the power of Your blood from my bondage to work!

God will answer and we will experience that Jesus is a Redeemer, who will set us free from the chains which bind us to our work. Then we will be bound to Him and bring forth eternal fruit to His glory.

Jesus You are my everything!

I will talk with You and work for You!

I want to plan, consider and make all my decisions with You!

Nothing shall be done without You, lest You should become an outcast.

Bind me tightly to You, so that nothing can separate us during the day: no work, no burden, no other interest, no joy.

May I evermore live in Your holy presence, For You are here!