第二部分 对症下药,逐一对付
顺服是爱神的最高表现,不顺服是人自私的欲望。神不会悦纳自我选择的奉献一一即使我们说那是为祂而做的。扫罗一生为耶和毕竭尽精力,最后也因他的不顺服而失去王位。当他拒绝听从神的命令时,撒母耳告诫他:“听命胜于献祭”(撒上15:22)。 基督徒往往不会像那些不信的人,公然忤逆神的旨意,但是却会像扫罗一样,设法维护自己说: 我这样做是迫不得已的,是对神对人都有益处的。 要知道,凡悖逆神的人,已经死在罪中,远离神的荣耀,在末日的审判时,还要被扔在火湖里,就是第二次的死(启20:14一15;21:8)因此,我们要全心全意顺服神。 假若我们不顺服神,就会陷入痛苦的深渊里,不能自拔。以色列人的遭遇说明这个严厉的教训,耶和华要他们死在旷野里,并警告说:“你若不听从耶和华你神的话……这以下的咒诅都必追随你,临到你身上。”唯有顺服神,祂就赐给人无限的爱和一切诫命律例。 今天,越来越多人远离神的话,这罪恶给世界带来咒诅,威胁人类的生命和社会的安宁。神要为全人类,尤其是祂的子民哀痛:“我整天伸手招呼那悖逆顶嘴的百姓”(罗10:21) “他们随自己的意念行不善的道。”(赛65:2 ) 他们比那些不信的人更清楚神的旨意和诫命,也明白顺服的重要,但他们常常会不自觉地离弃神的教训,难怪基督徒认为神的诫命已不再是行为的指标,它需要修改切合现世的环境。不过,如果我们妄然降低了道德的标准,又不信服神,就会招致严重的后果。 有些人会以“敬拜神”为名,终日埋首于不结果实的事奉中,他们在人面前获得赞许,但神是公义的,信实的,祂只会看重人的心思。这些人既是顺从自己的主意为人做事,就是不信服了。 一位很热心布道的姊妹,有一次因生病被调任行政管理,便忽然变得很暴躁,常常埋怨说:“我必需为人服务"。圣经教导她:“听命胜于献祭。"(撒上15:22)但她始终不能在神面前俯伏敬拜,学习基督的谦卑,安心在新的岗位事奉。 她不是为神而服务,而是为博取别人的称赞,为满足自己的骄傲而做事,她也不认识基督的爱,因为主曾说:“人若爱我,就必遵守我的道。"(约14:23) 撒但明知基督徒恐怕公然悖逆会惹神发怒,就甜言蜜语引诱我们,借口“敬拜神”、“帮助人"而不服从神的教训。 因此,我们要常常儆醒,向神祷告:“求祢用真理光照我,让我知道我所做的一切都是祢所喜悦的,不是凭着自己的私意。假若我被撒但哄骗,求祢赐给我为量,胜过罪恶,并服从祢的旨意。" 若果我们不能克制己意,就要仰望耶稣。祂说:“我的食物,就是遵行差我来者的旨意。”(约4:34)我们要追随基督的脚踪,求祂引领走顺服的道路,惟有遵从神的旨意,才能有得胜的平安和喜乐,直到永远。 无论何时何地,我们都必须活在神的旨意里,神的爱充溢全心,甜蜜无比,并赐给我们生活的一切力量,胜过所有的痛苦和挑战。否则,撒但便会乘虚而入,夺去神的祝福,从此我们便坠入黑暗世界,将来还要接受末日的审判。
You Will Never Be the Same PART TWO: Individual Sins Throughdisobedience Saul lost his kingship, although he had put so much time andenergy into working for God. God is not interested in our self-chosen work andsacrifices, even when we say we are doing it for Him. When Saul clearly refusedto obey the command of the Lord, Samuel reminded him that "to obey isbetter than sacrifice" (1 Sam. 15: 22). Obedience is pure love for God;disobedience is the selfish desire to satisfy our own egos. Ifwe are Christians, we usually do not act in open disobedience likenon-believers. But, like Saul, we camouflage our disobedience. We say that ourwork is necessary, that it is a beneficial ministry for God and man. Yetwhether we are believers or unbelievers, unrepented disobedience belongs to thesins that deserve death (Rom. 1: 30-32). People who dare to commit this sinreject the will of God. They have separated themselves from God and are alreadyin death, although they may not realize it. But one day in the kingdom of deaththey will die a second death (Rev. 20: 14, 15; 21: 8). That is why we must turnaway from all disobedience. Whenwe look at the people of Israel, we see the consequences of disobedience.Through disobedience the people of God turned away from God and most of theIsraelites died in the desert. They did not take God's words to heart: "Ifyou obey the voice of the Lord your God . . . all these blessings shall comeupon you" (Deut. 28: 1,2). Only out of love God demanded obedience. Onlyout of love He gave them His commandments; and only out of love He gives uscommandments today. They will lead us into good fortune if we let them bebinding for us. Disobedience on the other hand, always leads us intomisfortune. Yes,disobedience, disrespect for the commandments of God which show us His will soclearly, is spreading more widely today than ever before. And the curse of thisdisobedience is already manifest in all the horror of sin, which ruins livesand leads to chaos. Does not God have to lament again today about the manynations and especially about His own people: "All day long I have held outmy hands to a disobedient and contrary people" (Rom. 10: 21). They"walk in a way that is not good, following their own devices" (Isa.65: 2). Often it is especially His own that are in danger of disobediencewithout their realizing it. They know His will and commandments better thanpeople who are separated from God and they know how important it is for them tolisten and obey. But today there are so many "reasonable" argumentsabout why the commandments of God are not binding on us, not even for usChristians. People say that the commandments have to be adjusted to theconditions of the times. But if Christians are disobedient and change thestandards of the commandments in a false manner, they will have to bear seriousconsequences. Thereis still another form of disobedience, a "pious" form. ManyChristians spend themselves in service for the Lord. They offer one sacrificeafter another. And still they will bear no fruit. There is no blessing in theirwork, although they may be praised by many. God sees their hearts, but men onlysee what is before their eyes. Because of their work in the Kingdom of Godothers might praise them "to highest heaven" but in reality theirplace may be very far away from God. For their sacrifices were self-chosen;they were offered in disobedience to God. Theremay have been a missionary who was sent home from the field, because she wassick. At the mission she had been admired for her dedication, love andwillingness to sacrifice. Back home she suddenly became unbearable, rebellingagainst everything, because she had to do administrative work. Why? She said,"I cannot live without serving men." But then God will pronounce thisverdict over her; "To obey is better than sacrifice" (1 Sam. 15: 22).She could not humble herself in obedience to God's will-leaving her former workbecause of illness. Her ministry was not done out of love for God nor out ofpure love for man. She had lived for herself; she performed this ministry tosatisfy her own ego. She was missing the true love for Jesus, for Jesus said,"If a man loves me, he will keep my word" (John 14: 23); he will doGod's will. Wesee how cleverly the enemy deals with us so-called "pious"Christians. He knows that we will not consciously commit an obvious sin,because we know that disobedience is a sin and will be punished severely. Thatis why he uses a different method to catch us in his trap. He tells us that weshould sacrifice something special for God and His service, or for ourneighbour in his need. But in face of the serious consequences thatdisobedience has for time and eternity, we should stop and ask God, "Placeme in the light of Your truth. Let me see the true motives for my actions andrepent when You unmask them and show me that my decisions and actions stemmedfrom disobedience!" IfGod convicts us of disobedience and we find it difficult to be obedient to Hiswill, we should look at the countenance of Jesus, which is pure love and tellsus that His will is goodness. Jesus is asking us to accept His will and tocarry it out in obedience. He assures us that only our best interests lie inHis will. We hurt Jesus, if we do not believe that His heart is full of love,that His will is only goodness, and so try to frustrate His loving intentionsby disobedience. Love obeys. Yes, if I love someone I can read his desires inhis eyes. We are called and redeemed to have such a relationship of love toGod; we are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who said, "My food is todo the will of him who sent me" (John 4: 34). If our heart is resting inHis will, we will be filled with peace and joy. Then all our actions will bringforth eternal fruit, and God's blessing will rest upon all our ways. Whenwe are at one with the will of God, our lives will be filled with power, forthen we are at one with Him who has all power in heaven and on earth. When wesurrender our will to God, His heart will be opened and a stream of love, peaceand joy will flow into our hearts. Being at one with the will of God remouldsus so that we will be like Him. Words are not sufficient to express thespiritual wealth that obedience and commitment of our wills to Him will bringus. When we obediently say, Yes, to the will of God, even when it comes to usthrough other people, our suffering and needs will lose their power. Thereforeno matter what it costs, we must always choose God's will and not our own. Inall matters, large and small, we are constantly confronted by this choice. Butevery time let us realize this: if we choose God's will and act according to Hiscommandment, we will be bound to Him. But if, in disobedience, we do our ownwill, we will be bound to Satan. Our lives will not be blessed and this willhave serious consequences in the other world.Disobedience