第二部分 对症下药,逐一对付
尊敬那些应该尊敬的人,对我们为什么那样困难呢? 在现今这个世代,盲目地反权威、离经叛道的人比比皆是,即使基督徒也不例外,又是什么缘故? 圣经说:“恭敬人,要彼此推让。”(罗12:10)又说:“看别人比自己强。”(腓2:3)为什么我们不能遵行这些话,将这些教训在生活上实践出来呢? 很可能因为我们都目中无人,只看到自己的重要或荣誉。 骄傲的人不容易谦卑,你尊重一个人,就要心悦诚服地在他跟前谦卑下来;当你处于卑微的地位,就要尊重职位比你高的人,因为他比你成熟或年长,他的成就比你高,又或者他是你的上司,是你父母。 只有谦卑的人才尊重别人。 我们往往不能谦卑,因此也不能尊重别人;唯有谦卑的人,才肯承认自己年轻,不及长辈那么成熟、有智慧,因此不配享有他们的权利。儿童明白他们的身份,知道自己还在接受教育的年龄,不能承担父母的责任,因此也不能享有父母的权利; 雇员明白自己不是老板,所以就得接受和服从公司的一切规则。 当然这并不是说我们不用承担什么责任,而是说我们必须接受这个事实。如果我尊敬神,就当尊敬神委派给我的上司,即使他们有缺点或不足的地方,我仍要尊重他们。 如果我们不自高自大,这些道理都是浅而易见的,可是撒但往往用一些我们爱听的诡辩来煽动我们犯罪,牠会这样说:“人人都应该平等的呀! 干么他就可以高人一等呢? ”撒但就喜欢这样诡辩,正因为牠不尊敬神,妄图与神同等,结果万劫沉沦。现在牠用尽方法,引诱我们步牠后尘,成为牠的俘虏。 撒但最不喜欢我们遵行主的道路,学习祂柔和谦卑,尊敬别人。牠已失去那极大的荣耀,因此也不希望我们有神的样式,得到牠所失去的尊荣。 牠用尽甜言蜜语,要我们藐视法纪律例,要我们争取与人平等,争取同样的权利和尊重,但神的话清楚告诉我们:“你们年幼的,也要顺服年长的,就是你们众人,也都要以谦卑束腰,彼此顺服。”(彼前5:5) 人与人之间的相处是建立在彼此的尊重上,学生要听从师长的教诲,子女的要接受父母的教导,雇员也要遵从雇主的吩咐,这是必然的,否则只会引起混乱。 如果我们否定这个定律,大力推行一个反权威的新社会和新的生活方式,我们就中了撒但的诡计,弄巧反拙,到头来还是要臣服于撒但的权威和领导之下。神要我们做的是出于爱的尊重,是心悦诚服的尊重。 骄傲的结果是不尊敬,这不但破坏了神的国,还会使我们被撒但捆绑,落在黑暗的国度中。如果我们不想落得如此收场,就要接纳神放在我们之上的人,并且尊重他们。 耶稣已教给我们胜过反叛的方法,祂说 :“子凭着自己不能作什么。” ( 约5 : 19)又说 :“ 父是比我大的。” ( 约14 : 28 ) 主耶稣是神的儿子,祂对父存着敬虔谦卑的心,只要我们效法祂,神就会改变我们,使我们有祂的样式。 基督为我们舍生流血,我们靠着祂宝血的大能,必能战胜我们的自傲,有祂尊师重道的美德。首先我们要谦卑自己,用实际的行动去尊敬那些应该尊敬的人,在不违背良心的原则下,尽量遵从他们的命令(徒5 : 29 ),对他们存恭敬的心,让他们知道我们这样做是尊敬神,因为是神把他们放上位的。 倘若我们看见上司犯罪,就要求神赐我们勇气,在适当的时候婉转地指出他们的错,否则我们很容易会在他们背后说闲话,不但毁坏了他们的名誉,还会失去见证。主耶稣要我们远离不尊重人的罪,同时要我们也不可对人曲意逢迎,唯命是从。 主要我们知道,我们走的是窄路,只有靠着祂救赎的大能,我们才可以踏上。我们若存着敬畏的心,就会像天使、天军、长老和圣徒一样,俯伏在神的宝座前,把冠冕献上,敬拜那永活的真神( 启4 : 10 )。
You Will Never Be the Same PART TWO: Individual Sins Disrespect: Negation of Authority Why is it so difficult for us to respect people who deserve to be respected? Why is it especially true in our times, even among Christians, that people take such a stand against respect and authority? Why is it difficult for us to recognize the words of Scripture and to regard them as binding for us in our everyday life: "Outdo one another in showing honour" (Rom. 12: 10) and "Count others better than yourselves" (Philip. 2: 3)? Yes, why? Because we are so filled with our own importance and our own honour. The proud cannot humble themselves easily. When I respect someone else, I humble myself before him in spirit. Then I have taken the lower position; I have to honour the other person, because he is above me, because he is more mature or older, because he has attained more, because he is my superior, or because he is my parent. Only the humble can give respect. But because we often lack humility, we refuse to respect others. And only the humble will accept the truth that because they are younger, they often do not have the same degree of maturity, the same wisdom, the same rights and privileges that an older person has. Children will see that because they are like children, needing education, they are not yet old enough to take on the responsibilities and privileges of parents. Employees will see that they are not the boss, and therefore have to accept and obey the current rules, which, of course, does not mean that we should ignore our sense of responsibility. It is a matter of accepting these things. If I respect God, I also have to respect those whom He has appointed to be above me, in spite of their deficiencies and mistakes. That would be obvious to all of us, if, yes if, the sin of pride were not in us. Satan incites it with his arguments which we like so much to hear. For instance, "We all have the same rights", or, "No one should have a position of authority above anyone else". Satan, the fallen Lucifer, has to argue like this. He fell, because he did not want to respect God; he wanted to be equal with Him. Now he wants to pull us men after him. He wants to make us fall also, so that we will be his prey. He does not want to let us choose Jesus' way, being humble and giving respect to others. He does not want us to become like God and reach the great glory that he lost. Therefore, the enemy works feverishly to incite us to rebel against authorities, because he knows that then we will join him in the rebellion against God, the highest authority. Satan's poison makes us want to be equal with others, to have equal rights and equal respect. He does not want us to recognize that there are rules and superiors, that the Kingdom of God is a hierarchy, a hierarchy of reverent love. If we do not want to admit this fact, because we are exceedingly proud, we will fall into Satan's hands and fall away from God just as he did. The Word of God tells us very clearly that we must be reverent, respectful and subject to others. "Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ" (Eph. 5: 21). "Likewise you that are younger be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another" (1 Pet. 5: 5). According to the divine order of life, as long as the earth exists there will always be relationships that demand the paying of respect. There will always be those who teach and those who are taught; parents, and children who need to learn many things and be brought up; employers, and employees who have to learn the trade. Otherwise the result would be chaos. If today we deny this and loudly proclaim the new anti-authoritarian society and way of life, we will actually become slaves of those leaders and authorities who come from Satan. In the end we will have to do exactly what we are fighting against: to slavishly obey the authoritarian slogans of our leaders. But God would like to grant us a new and blessed relationship of respect for one another-one that stems from voluntary love and respect of those who deserve honour. Lack of respect, which is a result of pride, destroys the Kingdom of God in our midst and binds us tightly to Satan. Indeed, at the end of our lives it can bring us into his kingdom of darkness, where the proud and haughty live. If we do not want that to be our fate, let us recognize those whom God has placed over us and strive to be freed from our disrespect. Jesus shows us the way to be healed from pride and disrespect. We should look at Him and His humility. He said, "The Son can do nothing of his own accord" (John 5: 19) and "The Father is greater than I" (John 14: 28). By looking at Jesus, the humble Son of God, who reverently always honoured the Father, we will be remade in His image. We must fight the battle of faith in the power of His blood, so that His virtue of reverence might gain room in us. Taking the first step, we must humble ourselves and begin concretely to respect those whom we are supposed to respect. We must obey them by doing everything they demand that is not against our consciences (Acts 5: 29), be respectful towards them, show them our esteem and gratitude. We must prove to them, through our behaviour and actions, that we are respecting Jesus in them-Jesus, our Lord, who has placed them above us. But if we see our superiors sinning, we must ask for the humility, the courage and the proper moment to speak with them about this. Otherwise we are in danger of speaking about them behind their backs and ruining their reputation instead of being a witness for Jesus with all respect for them. Jesus wants to set us free from disrespect and at the same time from trying to please man and being servile. Because this is a narrow path, we will only find it through the power of His redemption. When we live in true reverence and respect, the hosts of heaven will surround us. For we will be following their example. The angels and the cherubim, the elders and the saints humbly bow before God and in reverence cast their crowns before the throne of God (Rev. 4: 10).