
第二部分 对症下药,逐一对付





暴躁的人不对付自己的罪,反倒纵容自我,要求别人的呵护和骄纵。但即使他们得到了,情况并不会改观。他们越被纵容,病情只会越益严重。要帮助他们,就不可百般迁就,纵容他们 ; 相反要让无情的现实生活去教训他们,叫他们吃吃苦头,才能使他们从自我的框子里跳出来。

首先,我们不要再找借口为自己辩护。许多时候,真正令我们伤害的并不是别人,而是我们自我,因为我们要得到别人的爱护和尊敬。因此,罪魁祸首还是自己。我们必须为自我的罪悔改、因为主拯敉了我们,不是叫我们为自己活,乃为替我们死而复活的主活(林后5 : 15),也替别人而活。



怎样才可以克服暴躁的毛病呢? 不再以自我为中心,不再要求关怀和敬重,在生活上毫无保留地委身给神。我们可以向神这样立志,相信祂必帮助我们:



我要尽快摆脱暴躁的罪, 凭信为每件难受的事感谢祢。祢已赐给我所祈求的,藉着祢的管教,可以除去我的暴躁,使我成为新造的人,喜乐无穷。



You Will Never Be the Same
Dr. Basilea Schlink

PART TWO: Individual Sins 


If our bodies are sick, they are especially sensitive to cold, draught and other environmental factors. Our souls are sensitive, if our "egos" are sick. Sensitivity or touchiness is the ego's desire for attention. We expect our egos to be spoiled and pampered like a sick body. If that does not happen, if we do not receive love, attention, respect, if we are overlooked or forgotten, if we have been criticized, then we react like a person who is physically sick and make a woeful face. 

We are hurt, cry and rebel against our neighbours and reproach them. We imagine that people do not have our best interests at heart, that we are not getting what we deserve, that they are being unfair to us. Whenever they say anything, we think they are trying to hurt our reputations. We become unhappy, but at the same time torment and tyrannize those around us through touchiness and egoism. 

That is why this is not merely an "unfortunate disposition", but a sin which gives birth to many evils, which causes us to heap up guilt upon guilt through our behaviour towards our fellow men. No matter what it costs we have to become free from this sin and begin to wage a campaign against it.

What do touchy people usually do? Instead of declaring war on this sin, they "put their ego to bed", expecting someone to comfort and pamper it. Even if this does happen, it would not get better. For touchiness is an imaginary sickness. Patients with imaginary sicknesses, however, get worse the more they are spoiled. They will only be helped, if people stop making a fuss over them and confront them with the hard reality of life. The same is true for sensitive souls that suffer from the sickness of egoism. They have to be willing to submit to rough treatment.

First of all, we have to accept the diagnosis without making any excuses. It is not the others who are hurting us all the time, but we ourselves, with our egoistic demands for love and respect, are the cause of our troubles. We are the guilty ones when there are tensions. They can only be solved if we repent of our sin of egoism, which is a sin against love. For Jesus has redeemed us so that we will live no longer for ourselves, for our ego, but for Him who died for our sake (2 Cor. 5: 15), and also live for our fellow men. 

Egoists are always hurt easily. They destroy every harmonious situation and make the redemption of Jesus unbelievable, giving offence to others who are just beginning to follow Jesus. So without our realizing it, our egoism can make others stop believing in Jesus and thus expose them to the greatest danger. How terrible it will be on the judgment day when their accusations will pass judgment upon us.

We have to make every possible effort to get rid of our egoism. The word shows that we are slaves of our egos. Our thinking centres around our ego instead of around Jesus, and yet we have been called to have Him as the Centre of our lives. But if the most important thing in our life is satisfying our egos with attention, love, respect and other good things, we can never enter Jesus' kingdom above. There everything centres around Jesus, free from every selfish bond. Our touchiness has to be overcome, and it can be overcome, because Jesus has come to free us from our sins.

What is the way? Not to pay any attention to oneself, not to make any more demands for love, attention, respect. This has to be done in a practical way. We must make a commitment to God-a written one-believing in His redemption. Let us say to the Lord,

In future I no longer want to receive any attention; I don't want to try to get love and respect and understanding; I want to accept criticism and reproach.I want my ego and its demands to starve to death so that I can have room in my heart for You, Jesus, and Your love which did not seek itself, but let its own demands die and only sought others. Let me tread Your path and bring fruit for You. I believe in Your words: "Whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matt. 16: 25)

Yes, I want to be freed from this sin quickly. So Iwill strive in faith to be able to say, "Thank You God", for every rough treatment. You have given me what I have asked for. By chastening my ego, You want to help me be freed from my touchiness. In thanksgiving I take the redemption from my touchiness, which you leave gained for me. In spirit I behold the new man, released and joyful, and no longer clouded by touchiness.

But because the road is long, we must not get tired or discouraged when we continually fall down. We have to endure to the end, in faith that Jesus' redemption has set us free, until we can see what we have believed. Could anything he impossible for God? Jesus' blood cleanses us from all sin, no matter how strong and persistent it might be. 

He is greater than everything else, even greater than the uncanny power of our egos. Still it is necessary to endure in faith and not to get tired. We must spend a long time calling upon the victorious name JESUS and praising its power over our sin. If Jesus calls Himself the Redeemer, He will not let His name be put to shame, but will put His honour at stake and prove that He can really break this bondage to sin.

It is meaningless only to call upon the name Jesus and His victory without being willing to place ourselves in God's hands and let Him chasten us because of sinful traits. This chastening will cleanse us. Only if we do both, will we reach the goal.