作者:海嘉 Haijia














Tomorrow Shall witness the negativism disperse

 交换  Exchange

  插图:亚娜 Illustration by Yana Schwannecke








 I asked myself,

Why it took fifty years to reach the well of John chapter four 
To whom, 

Shall I collect my tears of yesteryears in begging.

With every recollection of regret in the past, 

Brings a desire to live once again

宽恕 Forgiveness

插图: 亚娜 Illustration by Yana Schwannecke







和好今生今世追讨我的 我追讨的全部的记忆

 If the four seasons may remain in autumn day

If the sunlight may paint the windowsill of my evening 
If the Eternal Creator may listen to my evening prayer
I will shear every trace of bitterness in my bloodline
And cause every word of grumble to wither
To reconcile all memories running after me just like I run after them 

期盼 Awaiting

插图:亚娜 Illustration by Yana Schwannecke



变为和好的天使(哥林多后书 5:18-20




Tomorrow  will blossom the courage and wish I place at the altar today
Will become the Angel of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-20)
To bring the one who hungers thirst back to God the Father
The union of the Deep calling to deep  
Shall witness the negativism disperse


Deeper Understanding Of Venting Negative Emotions

Haijia Schwannecke

 I heard some deep preaching and read some motivational books; as a natural person I considered myself as understanding of the principles and I could live it out, yet not knowing that I couldn’t stand firm at this altitude, I could not withstand the storm.

During times when I cannot withstand rejection and blows, tremendous negative emotions were generated, like a porcupine. I denied the other party, disregarded other's “face” or feelings, full of wounding power, causing pain to the people around me and making it a chore for those who love me. I ran away as a result of seeing my life, a life which failed to walk the talk. 

Venting negative emotions once had harmed love, family, friendship, and had disrupted my career, and damaged everything that matters to me. I lost the awareness of sensing the damage of my negative emotions. I know venting negative emotions is harmful, but how harmful? I can only feel ten percent of the harmfulness, even less. The remaining ninety percent that I cannot feel has become self-deception, since the feeling of natural people is self-centered. I just focused on my own pain and my heart became hard.

Self-deception does not last long and once you stop deceiving yourself, there may not be immediate understanding about it. To stop venting negative emotions is a lifelong and bitter journey. A journey to find answers, yet the answer lies in this journey. This answer is not in listening to the sermons and reading inspirational books, but in the prayers of running in the opposite direction of the my habitual nature.

In quiet prayers, God showed me those who made me feel hurt, they didn't know I was hurt so much. God also reminded me that I have treated others in the same way. Those who have been hurt by my negative emotions, had I ever really understood their feelings? In prayers, those experiences have become my mirror today. 

If we who are deeply injured and lack love and security, have not exercised  walking out of the self-centered and hurt culture, we will vent emotions involuntarily. Venting negative emotions and loss of control becomes not only our habit, I would rather say, venting emotions makes it difficult for our hearts to soften. Even we want to, but don't know how.

Whether the people around us tolerate us, can neither change our bad habit nor improve our ability and character. The happiness of relationships will be farther and farther away from us.

How to reconcile with others? Including reconcile with those I have hurt, with the people who have hurt me; Don't call people, just call God to pour out unbearable emotions. Only in prayers I became able to stop focusing on my hurts. The more I focused on my feelings, the harder would be my heart, the more I focused on Jesus, the softer became my heart. I became able to feel the ninety percent of my insensitivity. The more I can feel the others hurts, the more I can soften down myself completely.

To stop venting negative emotions is a decision made repeatedly in prayers, and it is an exercise.

Memory is likened to a storage card, having recorded what I have seen, read, prayed, experienced, and received. Sometimes I have to tidy it up, where the important things become prominent, especially the answers.

Today, I earnestly seek God during my prayer, to help me pen down a poem that describes this lifelong and bitter journey. He immediately granted! So, I have written this poem Tomorrow negative emotions no more.

This poem is a trilogy: 1. Man’s regret; man’s way, return to start again.2. Forgive yourself and others; God’s way, bitterness and grumbling no more. 3. Tomorrow I no longer vent my negative emotions.